Thursday, November 14, 2013

Team Spotlight: Money Balls

It's tradition here at the Beer Frame Bowling League to publish a little piece that allows all the league members to get past the menacing veneers that come with amateur bowlers and get to know the people and teams behind the competition.  With that our first expansion team spotlight falls on Money Balls.

Originally, Money Balls considered the name Ritchie, Marshall & Flynn to account for all the team members last names.  Without the same ring of Crosby, Stills and Nash, the name was quickly replaced.  Version 2 was Ritchie Marshal (feat. Flynn).  Although this had a more hip hop vibe, the team quickly realized that just because every hip hop artist uses it, doesn't mean its not stupid.  On the third try, the team simply took a vote on their favorite things.  I'm told the ballots came back with 5 votes for "balls" and 1 for "money".

Usually the team spotlight focuses on how the team was assembled and the personalities and locales of each member.  In the Money Balls case however, they came as a package deal.  Oddly, forming a bowling team wasn't their original intention.  Team captain Lance only ever wanted to make money (making his vote for balls as his favorite thing a little curious).  So, all of his interactions, relationships and jobs have been pursued with that singular goal.  Over the years, Lance has connected with the other 5 members of Money Balls because they also shared his passion.

They've been together so long now that nobody can remember how it all began.  However they can all recite their previous failed ventures together.  Kaitlyn talked about the time they attempted to sell advertising space on kids diapers to liquor and beer companies.  Somehow seeing a picture of a bottle of Black Velvet on a toddler's bottom didn't drive much in sales.  Blake's favorite was the time they opened a shop to customize senior citizens Rascals.  Turns out not many seniors wanted a wicked cool spoiler on their motorized carts.  Chad and Sarah Marshall both agree that their personal favorite was the shoes they developed that had a smart phone storage compartment built right into the heel.  Gorilla glass or not it turns out there is no stopping the destruction our nations obesity epidemic can inflict.  Finally, Erin Flynn counts the failed Mail retrieval service the group offered.  Not only did this one end up being against the law, people in this country haven't yet gotten lazy enough to start paying strangers to walk your mail from your mailbox to your front door.

Despite their previous failures everybody is dead certain that the Beer Frame Bowling League will be their path to riches.

Welcome to the league Money Balls. 

It might be time to mention that the league champion is awarded no money.

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