Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Congratulations Glory Bowl

Congratulations Glory Bowl on the 2013 Beer Frame Bowling League Championship.  I think this pretty much says it all.

The Ridgway Trophy will sit proudly with the members of Glory Bowl for the next year.  I hope that the fire place mantle has enough room for the trophy and the stockings this holiday season.

For those you won't be celebrating over the next year, the final standings were:

2nd - The Gutter Sluts
3rd - The Hot Karls
4th -  Stop Looking at Our Balls
5th - Sore Dicks
6th - Money Balls
7th - Forkin' Balls
8th - Gutt-er Done
9th - I Can't Believe its Not Gutter
10th - The Late Comers
11th - Cheenkz & Crackez
DFL - Moustachio Balls

Thanks everybody for another great season.  Enjoy the off season and make sure to be on your best behavior so that Santa will put that shiny new bowling ball under your tree this year.

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